First Term Useful links( 1er trimestre-enlaces de interés)

1. Conoce la pág web del departamento de inglés del IES Ruiz de Alda

2. Click on this link:(pincha en en siguiente enlace y practica lo más elemental en inglés ( nivel principiante ):Vocabulary, grammar, dialogues, reading, pronunciation, dictation and games. Hay 16 unidades de nivel básico que debes practicar.

3 Try this link and choose elementary level to review

a) Verbs: to be ( present & past ), can, to have, present simple & continuous....

to be present/past
present simple

b) Vocabulary: body, clothes, furniture, food, everyday activities... etc)

animals body clothes colours countries months date family emotions health food games hobbies house furniture numbers people job personalities school/objects transports everyday activities weather

tests elementary

tests quizzes easy

c) Grammar: articles, some / any, there is & there are, prepositions, plurals,demonstratives,... etc

articles a/an/the any/some adjectives comparison synonyms/homon. conjunctions demonstratives word order plural quantifiers countable/uncoun. many/much there is/there are adverbs personal pronouns prepositions


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